The Domain of Reasons

Preface Synopsis I. Introduction PART ONE THE STRUCTURE OF NORMATIVE CONCEPTS II. Reasons III. Indexicality, Universalisability and the Range of Reasons IV. Normativity V. Warrant PART TWO EPISTEMIC REASONS VI. The A Priori VII. Analyticity VIII. Modality IX. Non-monotonic Norms PART THREE EVALUATIVE AND PRACTICAL REASONS X. Rational Explanation: Belief, Feeling and Will XI. Reasons and Feelings: (i) The Bridge Principle and the Concept of a Person's Good XII. Reasons and Feelings: (ii) Moral Concepts XIII. Impartiality (i) The Principle of Good XIV. Impartiality (ii) The Demand Principle XV. Moral Judgement and Feeling PART FOUR THE NORMATIVE VIEW XVI. The Epistemology of Reason Relations XVII. The Ontology of Reason Relations XVIII. Rules, Norms and Concepts XIX. Self and Self-Determination XX. The Critique of Reasons Appendix: Symbols, Terms and Theses References Index