Ice-Bearing Cumulus Cloud Evolution: Numerical Simulation and General Comparison Against Observations.

Abstract A two-dimensional (axisymmetric) numerical cloud model with parameterized microphysics for water drops and ice particles is described. The parameterized liquid-phase processes include condensation, evaporation, autoconversion of small drops to large ones, and collection of small drops by large ones. The solid-phase processes include heterogeneous sorption nucleation, homogeneous contact nucleation, deposition, sublimation, riming and melting. Both liquid and solid particles may precipitate. The model was used to simulate three different conditions of ice generation as a function of temperature: 1) based on classical concepts of the activity of heterogeneous ice-forming nuclei—suggesting continental cumuli; 2) based on field observations of much greater concentrations of ice particles at warmer temperatures than indicated measurements of heterogeneous ice nuclei—suggesting maritime cumuli; and 3) based on nucleus seeding practice when the goal is to stimulate the growth of cumulus clouds. General ...