Fast, long-term, super-resolution imaging with Hessian structured illumination microscopy

To increase the temporal resolution and maximal imaging time of super-resolution (SR) microscopy, we have developed a deconvolution algorithm for structured illumination microscopy based on Hessian matrixes (Hessian-SIM). It uses the continuity of biological structures in multiple dimensions as a priori knowledge to guide image reconstruction and attains artifact-minimized SR images with less than 10% of the photon dose used by conventional SIM. Hessian-SIM enables spatiotemporal resolution of 88 nm and 188 Hz, and hour-long time-lapse SR imaging of actin filaments in live cells. Finally, we observed the structural dynamics of mitochondrial cristae and structures that, to our knowledge, have not been observed previously, such as enlarged fusion pores during vesicle exocytosis.