Analysis of Wheel Rim Using Finite Element Method

The three dimensional model of the wheel was designed using CATIA. Then the IGES format 3D model was imported into ANSYS. In the present work a detailed static analysis displacement, maximum and minimum vonmises stresses and fatigue analysis of wheel rim under radial loads has been done. The application of finite element method for analyzing stress distribution and fatigue life of wheel rim was summarized. 1.Intorduction The rim of a wheel is the outer circular design of the metal on which the inside edge of the tire is mounted on vehicles such as automobiles. Analysis of wheel rim made with materials like alluminium alloy, steel alloy, forged steel and magnesium alloy is done for fatigue strength. The finite element method is a powerful tool or the numerical procedure to obtain solutions to many of the problems encountered in engineering analysis. In this method of analysis, a complex region defining a continuum is discretized into simple geometric shapes called finite elements.The domain over which the analysis is studied is divided into a number of finite elements. The material properties and the governing relationship are considered over these elements and expressed in terms of unknown values at element corner. In the static analysis of wheel rim constraints will be applied on the circumference of the rim. Fatigue analysis is done in MSC fatigue software, uses stress or strain results from finite element (FE) models. Usage of MSC fatigue brings fatigue analysis up front in the design-to-manufacturing process and creates an MCAE environment for integrated durability management. 2.Literature survey Andrew D. Hartz (2002) formulated a finite element model of the classical bicycle wheel and compared published results with those revealed by ANSYS. Displacement ,strain and bending characteristics of wheel were etermined. The results indicated that ANSYS modeling can be a useful tool for analyzing simple structures such as the classical bicycle wheel. Liangmo Wang proposed a new method for evaluating the fatigue life, The ABAQUS software was used to build the static load finite element model of aluminum wheels for rotary fatigue test.. The results indicated that the proposed method of integrating finite element analysis and nominal stress method was good and efficient to predict the fatigue life of aluminum wheels. Alexandru Valentin Raduelescu ( 2012) analyzed the car rim with the finite element method using the 400 loading test The finite element analysis was conducted in two stagesthe analysis of the state of stresses in the central area of the rim for the intial and optimized versions. The static stresses are studied in order to find the zones with higher stress concentration and to suggest the better design solution. The results have been compared to those obtained using an experimental stand. Sunil N. Yadav and N. S. Hanamapure (2013) analysed the effect of camber angle on stress distribution and fatigue life of wheel rim of passenger car under radial load condition which arises due to off road field area and road unevenness. Finite element analysis (FEA) is carried out by 1259 International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 3 Issue 1, January 2014 IJ E R T IJ E R T ISSN: 2278-0181 IJERTV3IS10570 simulating the test conditions to analyze stress distribution and fatigue life of the steel wheel rim of passenger carP. proposed that the modelling of the wheel rim is made byusing CATIA. Later this CATIA model is imported to ANSYS for analysis work. ANSYS software is the latest used for simulatingthe different forces, pressure acting on the component and also for calculating and viewing the results ANSYS static analysis work is carried out by considered two different materials namely aluminium and forged steel and their relative performances have been observed respectively. Inaddition to this rim is subjected to vibration analysis (modal analysis), a part of dynamic analysis is carried out its performance isobserved. In this paper by observing the results of both static and modal analysis obtained forged steel is suggested as best material 3. Analysis of wheel rim Analysis detailed static analysis -displacement, maximum and minimum vonmises stresses and fatigue analysis of wheel rim under radial loads,. We have consider the stell,aluminum alloy and magnesium,forged steel for analysis the analysis following steps Material properties Model of the whell rim Importing the model Boundary conditions and Loading Application of load 3.1 Material properties  Steel alloy: Young’s modulus (E) =2.34*10 5 N/mm 2 Yield stress=240 N/mm 2