Online Monitor Framework for Network Distributed Data Acquisition Systems
Abstract Data acquisition (DAQ) systems for recent high energy physics experiments consist of lots of subsystems distributed in the local area network. Therefore, scalability for the number of connections from subsystems and availability of access via the Internet are required. “Online monitor framework” is a general software framework for online data monitoring, which provides a way to collect monitoring information distributed in the network and pass them though the firewalls. The framework consists of two subsystems; “Monitor Sever” and “Monitor Viewer”. Monitor Server is a core system of the framework. The server collects monitoring information from the DAQ subsystems to provide them to Monitor Viewer. Monitor Viewer is a graphical user interface of the monitor framework, which displays plots in itself. We adapted two types of technologies; Java and HTML5 with Google Web Toolkit, which are independent of operating systems or plugin-libraries like ROOT and contain some functionalities of communicating via the Internet and drawing graphics. The monitoring framework was developed for the Double Chooz reactor neutrino oscillation experiment but is general enough for other experiments. This document reports the structure of the online monitor framework with some examples from the adaption to the Double Chooz experiment.
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