On Deterministic Sketching and Streaming for Sparse Recovery and Norm Estimation

We study classic streaming and sparse recovery problems using deterministic linear sketches, including l1/l1 and linf/l1 sparse recovery problems (the latter also being known as l1-heavy hitters), norm estimation, and approximate inner product. We focus on devising a fixed matrix A in R^{m x n} and a deterministic recovery/estimation procedure which work for all possible input vectors simultaneously. Our results improve upon existing work, the following being our main contributions: * A proof that linf/l1 sparse recovery and inner product estimation are equivalent, and that incoherent matrices can be used to solve both problems. Our upper bound for the number of measurements is m=O(eps^{-2}*min{log n, (log n / log(1/eps))^2}). We can also obtain fast sketching and recovery algorithms by making use of the Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform. Both our running times and number of measurements improve upon previous work. We can also obtain better error guarantees than previous work in terms of a smaller tail of the input vector. * A new lower bound for the number of linear measurements required to solve l1/l1 sparse recovery. We show Omega(k/eps^2 + klog(n/k)/eps) measurements are required to recover an x' with |x - x'|_1 <= (1+eps)|x_{tail(k)}|_1, where x_{tail(k)} is x projected onto all but its largest k coordinates in magnitude. * A tight bound of m = Theta(eps^{-2}log(eps^2 n)) on the number of measurements required to solve deterministic norm estimation, i.e., to recover |x|_2 +/- eps|x|_1. For all the problems we study, tight bounds are already known for the randomized complexity from previous work, except in the case of l1/l1 sparse recovery, where a nearly tight bound is known. Our work thus aims to study the deterministic complexities of these problems.

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