On Necessity of Property Rights Transformation of Traditional Clothing

With the acceleration of economic globalization, large quantities of the international brands have entered the domestic market, and quickly occupied the domestic high-end market, and this to some extent has endangered the development of the domestic clothing industry. However, how to develop the domestic clothing brand? This series of problems have brought us to trace the source to think about the Chinese traditional clothing. In face of the status quo that China's traditional clothing has gradually become the publically funded, it’s necessary to pay attention to it with in-depth study. This thesis is mainly to review the traditional clothing, and analyze the necessity for property rights transformation of traditional clothing culture through the analysis of status of clothing industry in China, and explore the way to achieve its transformation. Since the accession to the WTO, China's clothing industry has had the earth-shaking changes and rapid development under the strong driving force in the domestic and foreign markets, the rapid development. Of which, the world's economic integration has also become the important factors and core strength for the re-transformation and upgrading of China's clothing industry. The current domestic situation is that China has the first production of clothing products in the world. Meanwhile, China is the world's largest exporter of clothing products, and even is the country with the largest clothing consumer. According to current situation, although China has accounted for a very large advantage, and it can be called as the clothing "manufacturing power", China extremely lacks the independent brands, and so China is considered as a "small brand country." First of all, China's clothing brand is very scattered compared with that in foreign market, China lacks the world-renowned brands. Because China's product is with relatively low technology content, and there’s insufficient innovation, so that the brands in China lack the competitiveness in the international market. In this regard, China only wins in quantity, but it’s urgent to solve the problem of quality. Second, the clothing marketing strategy in China is relatively backward, which still relies mainly on cheap labor, this is a large gap compared with the clothing industry in foreign countries. The overall level of clothing industry is not high from design to marketing, and the market depends mainly on middle-end and low-end products. The OEM-based, middle-end and low-end products are mostly used as export methods, there are few high-end products. In addition, although there are a large number of the clothingenterprises in China, most of them are small enterprises with low grade, and many small and medium enterprises are relatively backward in business management, brand culture, production mode, transportation and logistics and other aspects, it is difficult to resist the strong competition from the international market. It’s difficult to form a strong competitiveness if the above ability can’t be improved. Therefore, the clothing industry in China must face the current situation and study from foreign countries to grow and develop. 3rd International Conference on Economics, Social Science, Arts, Education and Management Engineering (ESSAEME 2017) Copyright © 2017, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 119