MuTaTeD! - Music Tagging Type Definition: A project to provide a meta-standard for music mark-up by integrating two existing music standards (Project Report for JISC)

The project MuTaTeD! validated the concept of integrating two existing music representation stan-dards: SMDL (Standard Music Description Language) and NIFF (Notation Interchange File For¬mat). An application with the combined implementation of these two standards, SMDL and NIFF, supports the representation of music as a time-structured entity in its own "gestalt" as it is con¬ceived and yet provides a standard for high-quality display via the NIFF format. The paper will discuss the general issues surrounding music information representation and music information retrieval, present the result of the UK-JISC funded "proof-of-concept" project: MuTaTeD! (Music Tagging Type Definition) and inform about further development within the UK-Library Information Commission funded Mu-TaTeD'II project and its MPEG7 involvement.