3D information access space based on multifacet database visualization

In order to access target information while getting an overview of the entirety of a large-scale database, a search must be carried out in parallel with various modifications to the frame of reference and dynamic organization of the information. In this research, this type of database search is realized through an information access space dynamically constructed of hyperlinks based on an arbitrary frame of reference. The authors propose a new concept and structure for the frames of reference and develop a mechanism for dynamically linking individual database records with multiple information access spaces, dynamically constructed on the basis of declarative definitions of these frames of reference. The authors also provide a three-dimensional interface for editing frames of reference and for spatial navigation threaded by these links. These operations correspond to query processing by narrowing down the subject tables and joining multiple tables; the user can gradually narrow his focus and arrive at the target information by dynamically modifying his frame of reference and repeating spatial movements. In this paper, a three-dimensional interface is developed and database searches using that interface are evaluated; it is shown that this technique makes it possible to quickly access target information. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Syst Comp Jpn, 37(8): 13–23, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience (). DOI 10.1002sscj.20523