The study and implementation of extraction HJ1A HSI image data based on A HDF5 files

HJ1A HSI is an interferometric imaging spectrometer (Hyper-spectral Imager, sensor ID: HSI) of HJ-1 small satellite. The hyper-spectral image data are organized and stored in hierarchical data format version 5 (HDF5) files. This paper presents the data model, file structure, library and programming model of HDF5 file format. The adapter design pattern is used for translating hdf5 interface into a compatible interface. Then, we give a detailed analysis of HJ1A hyper-spectral image data. The HJ1A hyper-spectral image data model includes five groups: 'GlobalAttributes', 'ImageAttributes', 'ImageData', 'MapInformation', and 'ProductParameters'' under the root group. The 'ImageData' group includes three datasets: 'BandData', 'CalibrationCoefficient', and 'WaveLength'. Based on the relationships between the models and implementations, we give a flow chart of extraction HJ1A hyper-spectral image data from hdf5 files. The level2 product of HJ1A hyper-spectral image data is used for experiment. We present the RGB color composite image and 3D cube of the extracted data. Tests show that the data extraction is correct and rapid with this approach. This work provides a solid foundation for quality evaluation and application of HJ1A hyper-spectral image.