Occlusal corrections are dependent on a precise registration. The T-Scan system has recently been presented to the market as an innovative, computer-aided device, capable of providing exact information regarding position, strength and frequency of occlusal contacts. The diagnostic validity of this technique was tested in a comparing study on 16 patients. The occlusal situation of these patients was analyzed by use of the T-Scan system and the markings compared with those obtained from UV-sensitive articulation foil. The results show that the diagnostic possibilities of the T-Scan system are very much limited. The use oft he T-Scan system as the only means of occlusal analysis cannot be recommended. The main reason for this is an often misleading reproduction of occlusal contacts, caused by the T-Scan-sensor-foil being too thick and too inflexible and therefore creating an uncontrollable shift of the mandibula when closing the bite. However, the T-Scan system seems to be a valuable tool for education of both students and patients, as the on-screen coulour display of occlusal mechanisms are really impressive.