Improved upper bounds for approximation by zonotopes

A zonotope in R n is a special type of a convex polytope; it is defined as a Minkowski sum of finitely many segments. Tha t is, a zonotope is a set in R n of the form {Xl +x2 +... +Xm : XlCI1,...',XmEIm}, where I1,...,Im are segments in R n. A convex body tha t can be approximated by zonotopes arbitrari ly closely is called a zonoid. Several authors have recently studied the following question: what is the minimum number, N, of summands of a zonotope needed to approximate a given zonoid Z in R ~ with error at most ~ (this means tha t ZCAC(I+~)Z , where A is the approximating zonotope, and we assume tha t the center of symmet ry of Z is the origin). Here we consider the dimension n fixed, and we investigate the dependence of N on ~ (we assume tha t n~>3, as the case n = 2 is simple---see [4]).

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