Multi-sensor fusion observer based multilatral control of haptic devices without force sensor

Among all the sensor fusion approaches, Kalman filter is the most widely used technique for system state estimation. The Kalman filter has many uses, including applications in tracking objects, navigation, economics, computer vision and robot controlling. As an example application, it is suitable method for compensating noise measurements from sensor data input and also for sensor fusion. In this paper, a novel multilateral control based on observer technique has been proposed by using disturbance observer with Kalman filter, named Kalman-Filter based Disturbance Observer (KFDOB). Kalman-filter is designed to estimate velocity response and disturbance observer is used to estimate the action/reaction force of haptic devices. The design of multilateral control based on the Hadamard matrix is also presented. With such a robust sensorless force control scheme, high bandwidth of force sensing in multi-robot system may be achieved since acceleration sensor and optical encoder are used to estimate the external force information. Moreover, its measured noise is also significantly reduced. The experimental results are provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed algorithms.