Statistics as a Profession

Abstract In August of 1988 when Bob Hogg was President of the ASA he invited me as a vice-president elect to attended my first meeting of the ASA Board of Directors. I have thus been part of the ASA Board's activities for five full years. It has been a period of many changes for the Association: the new constitution, the newly structured Board, many new Sections, several new publications, a membership campaign, the assorted activities of the ASA Center for Statistical Education, and most recently the modification in the ASA dues structure with its “cafeteria plan” allowing members to select their publications. These many changes are indications that the entire statistics profession, represented at this meeting by the ASA, the IMS, and the Biometric Society, is being challenged not only to meet the needs of its membership but also those of society at large. These are exciting times, much like sailing when the wind comes up. And I still have a year and a half ahead on the ASA Board of Directors. I must reme...