ISCOMs: an adjuvant with multiple functions

Aluminum salts are currently the only widely used adjuvant for human vaccines. Over the past 10–15 years, a large research effort has attempted to find novel adjuvants with ability to induce abroad range of immune responses, including cell‐mediated immunity. The immunostimulating complex or ISCOM is one adjuvant with multiple adjuvant properties. ISCOMs are open cage‐like complexes typically with a diameter of about 40 nm that are built up by cholesterol, lipid, immunogen, and saponins from the bark of the tree Quillaia saponaria Molina. ISCOMs have been demonstrated to promote antibody responses and induce T helper cell as well as cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses in a variety of experimental animal models, and have now progressed to phase I and II human trials. This review describes recent developments in the understanding of the structure, composition, and preparation of ISCOMs and will cover important aspects of the understanding of the adjuvant functions of ISCOMs and how they act on the immune system. J. Leukoc. Biol. 64: 713–723; 1998.

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