This paper concerns map updating and production using high resolution satelliteimages,anditisaimedattheevaluationoftheachievableplanimetricandheight accuracies paying attention to the correct identification of all the required map features. Tests concerning orientation and stereoplotting of an OrbView-3 stereo pair are shown. This approach allows 3D maps to be produced (or updated) using traditional stereoplotting operations. The chosen test site is the one indicated by the ISPRS Commission VIII/ WG 2, is the Susa Valley (2006 Olympic Winter Games area). AGPS survey has been planned in order to obtain a suitable database of Ground Control Points and Check Points. In order to evaluate which map scale the generated 3D features are suitable for, a statistical analysis of the 3-D residuals was performed with respect to oriented ADS40 panchromatic imagery. Italian Technical Specifications for Map Production allow to relate the previous statistical results to the defined thresholds stated fordifferentmapscales.Particularattentionwaspaidtothecontentinformation,withthe aim of defining the map entities (prescribed for that map scale) that can be easily recognised.