원어민과 비원어민간의 대화오류에 대한 문헌연구고찰
Communicative interaction between people from different linguistic and cultural background has been studied with different theoretical perspectives. Many early studies of miscommunication in native and nonnative interactions tended to oversimplify the mechanism underlying miscommunication by ignoring the different psychological and sociological variables surrounding the situations. Reflecting the complexity of native and nonnative interactions, recent studies have tended to employ a more interactive and dynamic approach. In this approach, miscommunication is no longer considered a given and inherent characteristics, rather it is now being recognized as a dynamic entity that is constantly produced and evolves in the on-going interaction. Escaping from the simplistic explanation of causes of miscommunication such as pragmatic and discourse failure of nonnative interactants, researchers now tend to look at multiple causes of miscommunication taking into account the effects of social and individual factors. As one of those multiple explanations, recent approaches to miscommunication tend to reflect the importance of collaboration and coconstruction of communication in native and nonnative interactions. With regard to methodogy, the combination of multi-methods of data collecting and analysis procedures is considered to be very effective in that it can compensate for limitations coming from the different biases of each method. The integrated approach to mis-communication between native and nonnative speakers will provide more valuable insights in interpreting communicative problems in native and nonnative interactions.