Correlation Risk and the Term Structure of Interest Rates

We study the implications of a term structure model that grants a new element of flexibility in the joint modeling of market prices of risk and conditional second moments of risk factors. Different than more traditional models, this approach allows for stochastic correlation among the priced risk factors, for a market price of risk that can be negative in some states of the world (Duffee, 2002), and for a simple equilibrium interpretation. The empirical analysis documents the importance of modeling explicitly the stochastic factor correlation: We find that even a very parsimonious specification provides a consistent explanation of a set of empirical regularities such as (i) the predictability of excess bond returns, (ii) the persistence of conditional volatilities and correlations of yields, (iii) the hump in the term structure of forward rate volatilities and implied volatilities of caps. Moreover, the model can also successfully accommodate more complex features of the bond market such as the Cochrane-Piazzesi (2005) returnforecasting factor, or the unspanned dynamics of interest rate derivatives. JEL classification: D51, E43, G13, G12


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