The Effects of Pedigree and Source Type on Trust in a Dual Adviser Context

In a world with increasing ubiquity of automated decision aids, human decision makers often find themselves receiving input from automation and another human simultaneously. Previous research has shown how certain characteristics of a human or automated decision aid affect the development of trust. Little research has investigated how these factors of trust development are involved when more than one adviser is present. This study explored how pedigree (perceived expertise) and source type (human or automated) was related to trust and reliance in a decision-making task with conflicting information from two advisers. Results from this study indicate the pedigree is an influential factor across both human and automated decision aids. This study also found a relationship between trust attitudes and behavioral reliance. These findings are relevant for designing decision support systems that involve multiple advisers or for informing the effects of introducing decision aids in a manner with respect to decision aid pedigree.