Time-Interleaved Block-Windowed Burst OFDM

The growing progress in wireless communication services lead to a demand in high data rates, spectral efficiency and flexibility requirements. The recently proposed Block- Windowed Burst Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (BWB-OFDM) transceiver proved to be a reliable alternative scheme to face these current demands. BWB-OFDM employs smoother, non- rectangular windows, allowing a power spectral density similar to the filtered OFDM approach; also, it packs together several OFDM symbols, with the addition of a sole zero- padding to accommodate the multipath channel's propagation delay. This means better overall power and spectral efficiencies. Nevertheless, the system has the same drawback of OFDM when transmitting over hostile channel conditions, such as deep fading in time-dispersive channels. To overcome this problem, a new Time-Interleaved BWB- OFDM (TIBWB- OFDM) transceiver is proposed. This scheme employs interleaving on the time-samples of each BWB- OFDM block, thus creating a sort of diversity at the frequency domain, aiming to preserve the data symbols severely corrupted by the channel's deep fades. The new TIBWB-OFDM transceiver presents considerable power gains relatively to the BWB-OFDM,while maintaining their spectral efficiency.