Bio-technology system applicable to all transportation situations
Five years ago, Ellwood G Ivey started the basic research that has evolved into the first and only bio technology system applicable to all transportation situations. The Revolutionary Driver Bio-System monitors the drivers' alcohol level, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose at the touch of a button through the operator's hands. The System provides for a semipermeable membrane embedded in the steering wheel of the vehicle. If the blood alcohol level of the operator exceeds the legal limit when the hands make contact with the steering wheel, a series of warning lights, internal and external, flash continually, alerting motorists and pedestrians. The vehicle becomes inoperable in timed sequences thereafter. The main purpose of this System is to increase public health, safety and welfare, while maintaining the constitutional protections of the individual driver. (a) For the record of the covering entry of this conference, please see IRRD abstract no 868581.