Real-world vehicle emissions: a summary of the third annual CRC-APRAC on-road vehicle emissions workshop

The CRC-APRAC On-Road Vehicle Emissions Workshop provided an informal atmosphere for the exchange of information on real-world vehicle emissions issues. Topics addressed included: emissions inventories; mobile source emission factor models; evaporative emissions; dynamometer studies of exhaust emissions; remote sensing studies; and tunnel studies of vehicle emissions. It is now widely accepted that emissions inventories have significantly underestimated the carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from on-rpad vehicles. Since these inventories are used to develop emission control strategies, it is critical that they accurately reflect on-road emissions. Research is currently being conducted by a variety of organizations to address this issue. For the past three years, the Coordinating Research Council - Air Pollution Research Advisory Committee (CRC-APRAC) has sponsored an onroad vehicle emissions workshop whose purpose is to provide an informal forum in which recent real-world vehicle emission...