Experimental Note on the Ferments of the Ringworm Fungi

zneasured 149^in., and a systolic iimuirur was audible all over a smallish throbbing goitre. She complained of frequent faint feelings, had very -marked palpitation, and an irregular pulse of 44-; her face was flushed, and her skin beaded with perspiration; she had four to eight loose stools daily* she was much too weak to do any household work, her hands conttinuaily trembling; she had ceased menstruating six months previously. During the first three months she improved greatly under digitalis and -quinine, the pulse being sometimes under Ioo, the skin often dry, there being less trembling and palpitation, and two or three formed stools daily; she could cook and do other household work, and even walk a mile. ODuring the next three months she swallowed 4oo -grain thymus tabloids, and ate numerous lightly-cooked lambs' thymus glands, besides continuing digitalis most of the time ; but while the pulse was commonly between 16o and I8o, and occasionally 200, she kept looking better and feeling astronger, passing two formed stools daily, the neck measuring 13j in. instead of '49, and doing all her household work, and occasionally walking two miles easily. During the next three months, while medicinal treatment was almost abandoned, the neck still appeared to lessen, palpitation was much less, nervousness and tremblings stopped, the eyes looked normal, she was on her feet all day, doing all her household work -and walking long distances, yet the pulse remained about 150. During the next three or four months, in only one of which thymus was administered, she continued to look and feel perfectly well, with a pulse of about .14o, rarely having palpitation and never tremblings, there being no ocular signs, but still some thyroid enlargemenlt.