The Rise of Emerging Markets: Opportunities and Challenges for IT

Emerging markets-nations in the process of rapid growth and industrialization, including China, India, Brazil, Russia (the BRIC countries), South Africa, South Korea, the Philippines, and Mexico-have been attracting much attention in recent years, and for good reason. They represent two-thirds of the world's population, generate over 20 percent of the world's gross domestic product, and are restructuring themselves to foster further growth and socioeconomic development (www.emeraldinsight. com/products/journals/journals. htm?id=ijoem). Furthermore, they're increasingly using IT in areas such as education; healthcare; business, economic and human development; and government. New opportunities thus exist for the IT industry and emerging markets to embrace each other. Consequently, IT Professional is introducing this new "IT in Emerging Markets" department. To trigger an ongoing discussion, in this inaugural installment the author examines the importance of emerging markets, IT's role in their growth, and the related challenges that IT professionals will face.