Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing and Imaging Using High Performance Computing
Abstract : The grant was provided by AFOSR to establish a SAR High Performance Laboratory. With this support, the following items were purchased for the SAR HPC laboratory: 16 Origin-2000 300 MHz Processors; 8 GBytes of RAM; 108 GBytes of Fiber Channel Hard Drive; OCTANE Workstation with a 300 MHz RS-12000 Processor, and Enhanced SSE Graphics. During the past two summers, the PI also collaborated with the members of the Air Force's Rome Laboratory (Contact: Mark Linderman) and Wright Patterson Laboratory (Steve Worrell, Ed Zelnio and Mike Bryant) on various implementation aspects of SAR signal and image processing algorithms on Shared Memory Processors (SMP) and Distributed Memory (DM) HP Cs. The results of these collaborations are documented in the attached three papers.