Since 1999, CPI has shipped six, 110 GHz, 1 MW, 5-s pulsed gyrotrons to General Atomics for use in electron cyclotron heating (ECH) experiments on the DIII-D tokamak. As a result of extensive testing of these gyrotrons at CPI and General Atomics, a wealth of information has been obtained regarding the long-term performance of the original electrical and mechanical design of the tubes. All of the gyrotrons have achieved long-pulse operation and five of the six gyrotrons achieved 1 MW output power levels with the nominal beam voltage and current of 80 kV and 40 A, respectively. Experience with the electron guns and interaction cavities has been quite good, though the low efficiency experienced by one gyrotron may be attributed to a gun or cavity irregularity. The internal converters employed in the gyrotrons have produced high-quality Gaussian output beams with internal diffractions losses of 5-6.5%. After several years of operation, the first three 110 GHz gyrotrons experienced collector failures due to cyclic fatigue. Improved analyses and diagnostics have been employed to avoid these problems in the future. Two problems have been experienced with the diamond output windows. These problems have been eliminated by changing braze techniques and procedures. Based on the experience obtained on these six gyrotrons, recommendations can be made for future gyrotron development work.