Camera system for multispectral imaging of documents

A spectral imaging system comprising a 39-Mpixel monochrome camera, LED-based narrowband illumination, and acquisition/control software has been designed for investigations of cultural heritage objects. Notable attributes of this system, referred to as EurekaVision, include: streamlined workflow, flexibility, provision of well-structured data and metadata for downstream processing, and illumination that is safer for the artifacts. The system design builds upon experience gained while imaging the Archimedes Palimpsest and has been used in studies of a number of important objects in the LOC collection. This paper describes practical issues that were considered by EurekaVision to address key research questions for the study of fragile and unique cultural objects over a range of spectral bands. The system is intended to capture important digital records for access by researchers, professionals, and the public. The system was first used for spectral imaging of the 1507 world map by Martin Waldseemueller, the first printed map to reference "America." It was also used to image sections of the Carta Marina 1516 map by the same cartographer for comparative purposes. An updated version of the system is now being utilized by the Preservation Research and Testing Division of the Library of Congress.