simulator implementation Figure 3.4.3 shows the class system which implements all the abstract simulator concepts. Devs-simulator and devs-coordinator are left unchanged except for the addition of methods for initialization. The root-coordinator has also been left unchanged except for the addition of methods for initialization. Dts-simuiator, mealy-simulator, fnss-simulator and dts-coordinator are straightforward implementations of the algorithms for discrete time simulation. Dts-simulator implements the simulation scheme for Moore-type DTSS. The dtss-interface-coordinator is implemented in the class dtsprocessor and so inherited by every dts-simulator or dts-coordinator. Hence each of them also has the capability to serve as an interface coordinator. This has the advantage that no interface coordinator has to be introduced explicitly but is implicitly available through the overall dts-coordinator or simulator. entities processors devs-processors 1 devs-simulators
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