Year 2000 Prize for Achievement in Information-Based Complexity

This annual prize is for outstanding achievement in information-based complexity. It consists of 83,000 and a plaque and will be awarded at a suitable location. The prize committee will consist of Erich Novak, Joseph F. Traub, and Henryk Woz niakowski. Anyone other than current members of the prize committee is eligible. The members of the prize committee would appreciate nominations for the prize. However, a person does not have to be nominated to win the award. The deadline for the award is March 31, 2000. The achievement can be based on work done in a single year, in a number of years, or over a lifetime. It can be published in any journal, number of journals, or monographs. This prize is separate from the Journal of Complexity's Best Paper Award. Article ID jcom.1999.0514, available online at http: on