Studies in dynamic design of drilling machine using updated finite element models

The aim of the present work is to develop updated FE models of a drilling machine using analytical and experimental results. These updated FE models have been used to predict the effect of structural dynamic modifications on vibration characteristics of the drilling machine. Two studies have been carried out on the machine. In the first study, modal tests have been carried out on a drilling machine using instrumented impact hammer. Modal identification has been done using global method of modal identification. For analytical FE modeling of the machine, a computer program has been developed. The results obtained using FEM, have been correlated with the experimental ones using mode shape comparison and MAC values. Analytical FE model has been updated, with the help of a program, which has been developed using direct methods of model updating. In the second study, modal testing has been carried out using random noise generator and modal exciter. Global method has been used for modal identification. Analytical FE modeling has been done using I-DEAS software. Correlation of FE results with the experimental ones has been carried out using FEMtools software. Updating of the analytical FE model has also been done using the above software, based on an indirect technique viz. sensitivity based parameter estimation technique. The updated FE models, obtained from both the studies have been used for structural dynamic modifications (SDM), for the purpose of dynamic design and the results of SDM predictions are seen to be reasonably satisfactory.