A many-particle approach to the electron-phonon interaction in semiconductor nanostructures

A ocw. rnany-partic1c approach to (he intcraction bctwccn clcelmos and polar aplical phonons in semiconductor nanostructures. in which the statistical average ayer phonon stalcs is cxnctly pcrformcd. is prcsclltcd. The interaction is ¡hen reduced lo ao effeclive rctarded electron. clcctron one. AS;ln applicalion. lhe polaron free energy is calcuhlled fmm (he lirsl-ordcr eorreclíon lo Ihe lhermodynamical potential w¡thin the fr~l1lework 01' ~ lIispcrsivc clcctrocl~stic conlinuum mollel for the long-w~velength polar optical oscillations in a GaAs/AIAs double heterostructure.