Research on Matrix Reconstruction in RAID Controller
Erasure code provides a specific coding method for data reconstruction which is for the protection of those multiple failure in the disk array.In RAID applications,with Erasure code strips for data loss modeling to optimize reconstruction algorithm to the entire strip reconstruction.In other words,they are only applied to a high degree of fault-related sectors which is the sequential sector on the lost disk.We addressed two more general issues:data recovery from scattered or not related erase sectors which lead to the loss;data recovery from single disk failure(existing many faults)which lead to the partial loss.The two issues of the proposed method are completely generalized and can be used in any Erasure code,but best suited to XOR-based Erasure code.For scattered erasure code,we typically provide for two results for every loss sector data:either the lost data is declared unrecoverable or it is declared recoverable and a formula is provided for the reconstruction that depends only on readable sectors.In short,the methodology is both complete and constructive.