Visualization and mathematics - experiments, simulations and environments

Part I. Visualizing Mathematics (with contributions by K.A.Brakke, G.Chappell, G.Francis, C.Hartman, B.Hausmann, R.B.Kusner, G.Martin, R.J.Morris, D.Roseman, M.Ruhl, D.Saupe, H * P.Seidel, B.Slopianka, I.Sterling and J.M.Sullivan).Part II. Geometric Algorithms and Experiments (with contributions by K.A.Brakke, G.Grobe-Brauckmann, D.H.Huson, B.Oberknapp, K.Polthier and J.M.Sullivan).Part III. Visualization Algorithms and Data Structures (with contributions by H.Battke, H * C.Hege, M.Kohler, H.Muller, M.Rumpf, B.Schupp and D.Stalling).Part IV. Visualization Environments (with contributions by M.Alefeld, E.Beier, M.Dewar, D.W.Fellner, C.Gunn, J.Haber, A.Heim, J.Lemordant, A.Ortmann, U.Pinkall, K.Polthier, U.Schwarz, J.Walton) Part V. Visualization and Simulation Techniques (with contributions by R.Beck, P.Deuflhard, Th.Gebner, H.C.Hege, D.Kroner, R.Malladi, M.Seebab, J.A.Sethian, D.Stalling and M.Wierse).Appendix: Color Plates (28 pp.)