Effects of mutations within and adjacent to the terminal repeats of hepatitis B virus pregenomic RNA on viral DNA synthesis

The viral polymerase and several cis-acting sequences are essential for hepadnaviral DNA replication, but additional host factors are likely to be involved in this process. We previously identified two sequences, UBS and DBS (upstream and downstream binding sites), present in multiple copies in and adjacent to the pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) terminal redundancy, that were specifically recognized by a 65-kDa host factor, p65. The possible roles of these two sequences in hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication were investigated in the context of the intact viral genome. UBS is contained within the terminal redundancy of pgRNA, and the 5' copy of this sequence is essential for viral replication. Mutations within the central core of UBS ablate p65 binding and selectively block synthesis of plus-strand DNA, without affecting RNA packaging or minus-strand synthesis. The DBS sequence, which is located downstream of the pgRNA polyadenylation site, overlaps the core (C) protein coding region. All mutations introduced into this site severely affected viral replication. However, these effects were shown to result from dominant negative effects of mutant core polypeptides rather than from cis-acting effects on RNA recognition. Thus, the 5' UBS but not DBS sites play important cis-acting roles in HBV DNA replication; however, the involvement of p65 in these roles remains a matter for investigation.

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