The Members of the European Economic Advisory Group at CESifo 2005

(Ph.D. Stockholm School of Economics, 1978) is Professor of International Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University. He is presently Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Centre for Business and Policy Studies in Stockholm and a member of the board of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, the board of the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish government’s Globalisation Council, the Academic Advisory Board of the Anglo-German Foundation, and the Advisory Council of Praxis, Tallinn. He was the Chairman of the Economic Council of Sweden 1993–2002 and of the Swedish Government Commission on the EMU 1995–96, the Director of the Institute for International Economic Studies at Stockholm University 1995–97, and a member of the Council of the European Economic Association 1991–96, the Scientific Council of the Swedish National Labour Market Board 1991–97, the Office of Labour Market Policy Evaluation in Sweden 1997–2004, and the Swedish Government Commission on Stabilisation Policy in the Event of EMU Membership 2000–02. He has published extensively in the fields of wage bargaining and trade union behaviour, macroeconomic policy, EMU and monetary regimes, labour market policy and the effects of working-time reductions. His current research is on nominal wage flexibility and fiscal policy, fiscal policy institutions, the determination of working time, and globalisation issues.