English Sound Structure

Preface. 1. Sounds and Words. 1.1. Phonology in Generative Grammar. 1.2. Phonological Phenomena. 1.3. Representation and Derivation. 1.4. Words and Roots. Exercises. 2. Constituency. 2.1. Non--Linear Phonological Representations. 2.2. Timing. 2.3. Phonological Constituent Structure. 2.4. Onsets, Rhymes, Nuclei. 2.5. Syllabification. Summary. Exercises. 3. Melody. 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. The Primes of Melodic Representation. 3.3. Elements for Vowels. 3.4. Elements for Consonants. 3.5. Melodic Geometry. 3.6. Laryngeal Elements. 3.7. Conclusion. 3.8. Appendix: Specification of Elements. 4. Licensing. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. The Phonological Hierarchy. 4.3. Phonological Licensing. 4.4. Licensing and Melodic Complexity. 4.5. Principles and Parameters of Phonological Structure. 4.6. Empty Positions. 4.7. Lenition. 4.8. Summary. Exercises. 5. Floating Sounds. 5.1.Introduction. 5.2. English r--systems. 5.3. A Linear Analysis of Smooth r. 5.4. A Coda Analysis. 5.5. Floating r. 5.6. Historical Interlude. 5.7. Vowels before r. 5.8. Conclusion. Exercises. Epilogue. Notes. References. Subject Index. Index of Vowel Word--Classes.