초고층 공동주택의 삶의 질에 근거한 주거환경지표 체계화 연구
This study aims to establish the systematic residential quality index and to propose the important architectural design elements of high-rise apartment based on the survey of residents. Recently, over 30 story apartments are built in large numbers. During the demand of high-income brackets for high quality housing grows in housing market, super high-rise apartment housing is perceived as the highest quality residential facility. Therefore, the residential quality index which reflected perceiption of super high rise residents is demanded. The study has carried out the survey of importance of design elements and executed factor analysis and established residential quality index and also proposed improvement alternatives based on the analysis of satisfaction on the elements. The findings of this study are; 1)The residential quality indexes of high-rise apartment are consisted of ‘infrastructure facilities,' 'visual and formal factors,' 'social relationship,' 'spatial use' and 'maintenance and management.'2)The design elements that are considered to be important by the residents of high-rise apartments are infrastructure facilities and among them the health and security facilities are regarded as most important for the residents.