Four men and four women with similar VO2max (56.33 +/- 4.05 and 54.08 +/- 4.27, respectively) exercised up to 3 h at 30% VO2max during heat stress tests (HST) before and after acclimation to dry heat [dry-bulb temperature (Tdb)/wet-bulb temperature (Twb) = 48/25 degrees C]. Rectal (Tre), tympanic sweat on the chest (msw), and total sweat rate (Msw) were recorded. There were no differences in the responses of the women between phases of the menstrual cycle. Tre, Tty, Tsk, and Tdb at the onset of sweating were similar in both sexes before and after acclimation. The nonacclimated men had significantly higher Msw and slower rise in Tre as compared to the nonacclimated women. Following acclimation these differences were no longer evident. Acclimation produced an increase in Msw in both sexes that was characterized by an increase in sweating sensitivity (delta msw/delta Tre). It was concluded that sex alone does not determine responses to heat stress. Consideration should also be given to the relative cardiovascular strain, state of acclimation, and the ambient conditions.