Requirements formulation Subtask 1. A of the major item system mapping (MISM) project
The following tasks are necessary for the completion of Subtask 1A of the MISM project: (1) development of specific descriptions of functional capabilities; (2) review of user requirements and objectives; (3) cataloging of requirements for standard and special reports and what if reports; (4) definition and classification of information systems for MICOM, TSARCOM, TACOM, CECOM, AMCCOM, Medical, Security, development commands, and project monitors; (5) definition of the scope and the level of detail for the MISM proces to include BOIP production requirements; (6) identification of source files and system and organization interfaces for establishment of the MISM data base (DB); (7) definition of the data interchange requirements; (8) definition of the communications requirements; (9) definition of standard retrieval requirements; (10) definition of applications for standard and special reports and for potential what if questions; and (11) definition of standard graphics capabilities.