The majority of methods available to recover 3D structure from video assume that a set of feature points are tracked across a large number of frames. This is not always possible in real videos because the images overlap only partially, due to occlusion and limited field of view. The paper describes a new method to recover 3D structures from videos with partially overlapping views. The well known factorization method recovers 3D rigid structures by factoring an observation matrix that collects the trajectories of feature points (see Tomasi, C. and Kanade, T., Int. J. of Computer Vision, vol.9, no.2, 1992). We extend this method to the more challenging scenario of observing incomplete trajectories. In this way, we accommodate not only features that disappear, but also features that, although not visible in the first image, become available later. Under this scenario, the observation matrix has missing entries. We develop three new algorithms to factor out matrices with missing data. Experiments with synthetic data and real video images demonstrate the viability of our approach to recover 3D structure.
Takeo Kanade,et al.
A Paraperspective Factorization Method for Shape and Motion Recovery
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell..
José M. F. Moura,et al.
Three-dimensional modeling from two-dimensional video
IEEE Trans. Image Process..
David W. Jacobs,et al.
Linear fitting with missing data: applications to structure-from-motion and to characterizing intensity images
Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Takeo Kanade,et al.
Shape and motion from image streams under orthography: a factorization method
International Journal of Computer Vision.
Minoru Maruyama,et al.
Bidirectional optimization for reconstructing 3D shape from an image sequence with missing data
Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. 99CH36348).
T. Moon,et al.
Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing