Implications for a System of Care in Hawai'i for Youth Involved in the Justice System and Substance Use.

The shift from punitive responses to restorative public health approaches to tackle the problem of youth substance use and justice system involvement follow a nationwide trend. Hawai'i has made significant strides towards transforming the justice system and developing effective substance abuse programs. However, these efforts require changes in policies, practices, and paradigms to be fully and permanently realized. Such a philosophical shift requires a major reallocation of resources from downstream, high-cost punitive modalities, such as incarceration, to upstream solutions that allow adolescents to heal past trauma and grow the understanding and tools to lead a healthy and meaningful life. Research and evaluation to support ongoing learning and system improvement will also be required. Most critically, taking an approach to work with youth so they can overcome the root problems they face holds the most promise of ending the cycle of justice involvement and substance use that the state has witnessed for far too long.