Person reference in interaction: Linguistic, cultural, and social perspectives
1. Person reference in interaction Tanya Stivers, N. J. Enfield and Stephen C. Levinson Part I. Person Reference as a System: 2. Two preferences in the organization of reference to persons in conversation and their interaction (1979) Harvey Sacks and Emanuel A. Schegloff 3. Optimizing person reference - evidence from repair on Rossel Island Stephen C. Levinson 4. Alternative recognitionals in person reference Tanya Stivers 5. Meanings of the unmarked: why 'default' person reference does more than just refer N. J. Enfield Part II. The Person Reference System in Operation: 6. Conveying who you are: the presentation of self, strictly speaking Emanuel A. Schegloff 7. Person reference in Yucatec Maya William F. Hanks 8. Principles of person reference in Tzeltal Penelope Brown 9. Non-initial person reference in Korean: choosing between quasi-pronouns Sun-Young Oh 10. Person reference in Tzotzil gossip: referring dupliciter John B. Haviland Part III. The Person Reference System in Trouble: 11. Intersubjectivity and progressivity in person (and place) reference John Heritage 12. Repairing person reference in a small Caribbean community Jack Sidnell 13. Reference and 'reference dangereuse' to persons in Kilivila: an overview and case study Gunter Senft.