2002 ECI Conference on e-Technologies in Engineering Education: Learning Outcomes Providing Future Possibilities
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[2] Craig Zimring,et al. Supporting collaborative design groups as design communities , 2000 .
[3] Ian R. Simpson. International Aspects Of Engineering Education In Europe , 1997 .
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[17] Kathy Schmidt,et al. The professor and the media laboratory: a case study in Web-based course creation , 2001, 31st Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. Impact on Engineering and Science Education. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.01CH37193).
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[23] Debashish Dutta,et al. Global Product Development: Using Global Resources Effectively for a Novel Course , 2002 .
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[38] Mark Guzdial,et al. Beyond Adoption to Invention: Teacher-Created Collaborative Activities in Higher Education , 2001 .
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[42] Gary R. Martin. A Co Op Based International Engineering Minor Degree , 1997 .
[43] Alex H. B. Duffy,et al. The "What" and "How" of Learning in Design , 1997, IEEE Expert.
[44] Margot Brereton. The role of hardware in learning engineering fundamentals: An empirical study of engineering design and product analysis activity , 1999 .
[45] Larry Leifer,et al. Design-Team Performance: Metrics and the Impact of Technology , 1998 .
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[61] James H. McClellan,et al. Animating Theoretical Concepts for Signal Processing Courses , 2002 .
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[68] Adegboyega Oladipo Mabogunje. Measuring conceptual design process performance in mechanical engineering: a question based approach , 1998 .
[69] R. Light,et al. Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds , 2001 .
[70] Tara Brabazon. Internet Teaching and the Administration of Knowledge , 2001, First Monday.
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[78] David Wallace,et al. A Comparative Evaluation of World Wide Web-Based and Classroom Teaching , 1997 .
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[80] Mark Guzdial,et al. Using An Unstructured Collaboration Tool to Support Peer Interaction in Large College Classes , 2000 .
[81] Linda Carswell. The “Virtual University”: toward an Internet paradigm? , 1998, ITiCSE '98.
[82] Leonard A. Van Gulick,et al. Internationalization Of The Lafayette College Engineering Curriculum , 1997 .
[83] Mark Guzdial,et al. Teacher and student authoring on the web for shifting agency , 1999 .
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[88] Mark Guzdial,et al. A Catalog of CoWeb Uses , 2000 .
[89] Julián Monge-Nájera,et al. Internet, Multimedia and Virtual Laboratories in a 'Third World' Environment , 2001 .
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[134] Larry Leifer,et al. Facilitating Product Development Knowledge Acquisition: Interaction between the Expert and the Team* , 2003 .
[135] Niall Sclater,et al. Online collaborative design projects: overcoming barriers to communication , 2001 .
[136] Julie Baher. Articulate Virtual Labs in Thermodynamics Education: A Multiple Case Study* , 1999 .