From the Chemistry Lab to Licensing
Interest in the IEM was renewed in early 1991 when a CAMP (Cleveland Area Manufacturing Program)representative asked the NASA Lewis Technology Utilization Office if a technology existed that could be usedby the electroplating industry to remove heavy metal cations from the rinse waters of plating operations suchas a cadmium plating line. In response, the Technology Utilization Office mentioned the existence of the IEMtechnology but emphasized that the technology was immature. It would not soon be commercially availablebecause considerable additional development was still required to raise its level of maturity.In August 1991, Dr. Joseph Savino joined the NASA Lewis Technology Utilization Office. He took anoptimistic view of this technology, which led him to further investigate whether the IEM might be acommercially viable technology, and if it was, to lead the effort that would result in the maturation of the IEMtechnology and its subsequent commercialization.