Flow Interception Location Problem of Multi-phase and Multi-demand with Changed Network

This paper focus on multi-phase and multi-demand location problem, the information of demand and path is different on different time. The decision maker must close some facilities and open some new facilities to match the new demand. Based on the above problem, we refer the multi-phase bi-objective flow interception location model, the decision maker locate the facilities to match different condition, to get the objective of maximized benefit and minimized cost. We design the multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to solve the model. INTRODUCTION The location model should consider some aspects of future uncertainty. These are dynamic facility location problems [1]. Since Ballou proposed this problem, a lot of articles began to focus on the problem[2]. Chardaire addresses with the multi period, incapacitated facility location problem[3]. Melo focuses on the dynamic multicommodity capacitated facility location[4]. The above articles focus on single type facility, and one type customer demand. There are some articles consider multi-type facilities location under certainty[5、6]. In this paper, we study the problem of multi type flow interception facility location problem(FIFLP). We found multi-objective model, and take multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to solve the problem[7]. MODEL FORMULATION This paper considers two types of demand which are served by facilities A and B respectively. If there are facilities A and B on the same point, then the customers __________________________ Zucai Zhou, Institute of Traffic and Information Hubei Communications Technical College Xi Zhang, College of Management, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China