FLUENT를 활용한 콘크리트 건식 저장용기 공기유로 내부 유동장 해석
This study investigated natural convection flow behavior in airflow path designed in concrete dry storage cask to remove the decay heat from spent nuclear fuels. Using FLUENT 16.1 code, thermal analysis for natural convection was carried out for three dimensional, 1/4 symmetry model under the normal condition that inlet ducts are 100% open. The maximum temperatures on other components except the fuel regions were satisfied with allowable values suggested in nuclear regulation-1536. From velocity and temperature distributions along the flow direction, the flow behavior in horizontal duct of air inlet and outlet duct, annular flow-path and bent pipe was delineated in detail. Theses results will be used as the theoretical background for the composing of airflow path for the designing of passive heat removal system by understanding the flow phenomena in airflow path.