Categorical Data Analysis Using The SAS1 System

Preface to the Second Edition Acknowledgments Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. The 2 x 2 Table Chapter 3. Sets of 2 x 2 Tables Chapter 4. Sets of 2 x r and s x 2 Tables Chapter 5. The s x r Table Chapter 6. Sets of s x r Tables Chapter 7. Nonparametric Methods Chapter 8. Logistic Regression I: Dichotomous Response Chapter 9. Logistic Regression II: Polytomous Response Chapter 10. Conditional Logistic Regression Chapter 11. Quantal Bioassay Analysis Chapter 12. Poisson Regression Chapter 13. Weighted Least Squares Chapter 14. Modeling Repeated Measurements Data with WLS Chapter 15. Generalized Estimating Equations Chapter 16. Loglinear Models Chapter 17. Categorized Time - to - Event Data References Index.