Mucilages and pectins of Opuntia, Tamarindus and Cydonia

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~-medica Abstract The polysaccharides of stems of Opuntia Jicusindica, seeds of T amarin­ dus indica and seeds of Cydonia oblonga were found to consist of a mixture of mucilage and pectin. The preparation of each polysaccharide could be achieved in an almost pure state. The mucilage could be extracted with cold aci<lulated water while the pectin was obtained by heating the mare successively at 90° C with water (2 hours), ammonium oxalate solution (1 hour) and acidulated water (2 hours). In each case the polysaccharide was precipa­ tated with ethano l. Each plant organ was specially treated according to its content of foreign sub­ stances prior to extraction of mucilage and pectin. The chemical composition of mucilage and pectin hydrolysates was analysed qualitatively by TLC and quan­ titatively by G LC Differentiation betwe­ en mucilage and pectin of the same plant organ was effected by studying their rela­ tive viscosity, reaction with potassium hydroxide, gel formation and determina- tion of methoxyl group and galacturonic acid contents.