Recent Program of AIST Innovation School: For the Future Innovation Leader in Global Society

With the aim of developing doctral talent that can perform across a broad range of fields in society, AIST hosts Innovation School for postdoctral researchers and PhD students with a curriculum to encourage broader perspective and reforming of awareness. Lectures and seminars bring instructors active in a variety of fields, practical research work in AIST research sites, and corporate internship program (OJT) aim to develop human resources fit and ready for work. The teaching encompasses a synthetic research methodology that lets students consider research scenarios from an all-encompassing perspective, realize what skills they must acquire for the future, and work to develop communication skills. Over 300 students have completed Innovation School since its opening in 2008, with a growing human network. Many alumni work daily at the frontline of innovative development in companies, universities, and public research institutions today. Such activity will be connected to the carrier development for the leader of future innovation in viewpoint of chance and network.