Calculation and Analysis of Rotor Eddy Current Loss of Permanent Magnet-Inductor Hybrid Excited Synchronous Generator

The rotor eddy current losses of a Permanent Magnet-Inductor Hybrid Excited Synchronous Generator (PMIHESG) are calculated by applying numerical computation method. The steady-state temperature fields of the PMIHESG are calculated by three dimensions FEM. The predicted rotor eddy current losses are validated by measuring temperature. The significant conclusions include: the vortex center of the rotor eddy current on the Homopolar Inductor (HI) section of the PMIHESG appears on the side of the rotor salient pole close to the field coil. The eddy current density on the side of the rotor salient pole far away from the field coil is smaller than that close to the field coil. The two dimensions method may be improper to study the eddy current loss of the HI section. Under the same axial length, the rotor eddy current loss of the HI section is much more than that of the Permanent Magnet (PM) section.